I've had the launch party, so I guess I'd better post my new book on my blog. I'm calling it THE McCARRAN COLLECTION, and it's about an archivist who comes to Kanab to catalog a collection of papers. These papers are housed at the fictional McCarran House, which is based on the actual Heritage House in Kanab.
The Heritage House was built in 1894 for the Bowmans, who sold it about the time it was completed. The house was occupied by Chamberlains from 1897 until 1973, when it was purchased by the City of Kanab as a heritage center. (From 1937 on, it was Lillian McAllister Chamberlain who lived there with her husband June--short for Junior.)
I had begun this story in a different setting, but when we moved to Kanab, Utah, and I toured the Heritage House, I determined that this was my new McCarran House.
Bridget Olasfson, a beautiful archivist with a painful secret, comes to Utah's brilliant red rock country to catalog the McCarran Collection. She finds herself caught up in a dangerous intrigue involving a lost boy, a drug cartel, and possibly murder. What will she do when the only way to save the boy is to give up the man she loves?
Here's a link to where you can find it on Amazon.com. If you read it and like it, I'd be glad if you post a review on Amazon. If you don't like it, well you can post that, too.